What is a Business Registration Number ?

A Business Registration Number is a unique identifier assigned to a business entity when it registers with the appropriate government authority or regulatory body in a specific jurisdiction.

This number is used to uniquely identify the business in official records and is typically required for various administrative, tax, and legal purposes.

The specific name and format of a Business Registration Number can differ from one country to another.

For example:

Australian Business Number (ABN) :
   - Countries: Australia
   - Structure: 11 digits
   - Expected Format: 12345678901

Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) :
   - Countries: Brazil
   - Structure: 14 digits
   - Expected Format: 12.345.678/0001-90

Business Number (BN) :
   - Countries: Canada
   - Structure: 9 digits
   - Expected Format: 123456789

Unified Social Credit Code (USCC) :
   - Countries: China
   - Structure: 18 alphanumeric characters
   - Expected Format: 91310115MA1KPJMG51

Commercial Register Number (Handelsregisternummer) :
   - Countries: Germany
   - Structure: Variable in length and structure depending on the state and legal form of the business.
   - Expected Format: Variable depending on the legal form of the business.

Here are two common formats for the Handelsregisternummer in Germany :

a. HRA (Handelsregister A) : This format is typically used for sole proprietors (individual traders) and general partnerships (OHG - Offene Handelsgesellschaft). The HRA number is followed by a unique number assigned to the business.
   - Example: HRA 12345

b. HRB (Handelsregister B) : his format is commonly used for limited liability companies (GmbH - Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) and other types of companies. The HRB number is also followed by a unique number assigned to the business.
   - Example: HRB 67890

Código de Identificación Fiscal (CIF) :
   - Countries: Spain
   - Structure: Variable, including an entity type letter, digits, and a control letter.
   - Expected Format: X1234567Z (for individuals) or A12345678 (for companies).

Système d'Identification du Répertoire des Entreprises (SIREN) :
   - Countries: France, Monaco, DOM/TOM
   - Structure: 9 digits
   - Expected Format: 123456789

Système d'Identification du Répertoire des Établissements (SIRET) :
   - Countries: France, Monaco, DOM/TOM
   - Structure: 14 digits
   - Expected Format: 12345678901234

Company Registration Number (CRN) :
   - Countries: United Kingdom
   - Structure: Variable in length
   - Expected Format: Variable depending on the business status.

Corporate Identification Number (CIN) :
    - Countries: India
    - Structure: 21 alphanumeric characters
    - Expected Format: L12345KA2021PLC123456

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) :
    - Countries: Japan
    - Structure: 20 alphanumeric characters
    - Expected Format: 12345678901234567890

Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF) :
    - Countries: Portugal
    - Structure: 9 digits
    - Expected Format: 123456789

Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) :
    - Countries: Multiple countries, primarily in the United States
    - Structure: 9 digits
    - Expected Format: 123456789

Numéro de TVA (TVA) :
    - Countries: Belgium
    - Structure : 10 digits
    - Expected Format : 0123.456.789

The examples provided above are for reference purposes for each respective country.